5.4.2 Data. During all testing specified herein, at least the following data, unless not applicable,
shall be recorded at intervals not to exceed 30 minutes. Additional data or shorter intervals shall
be provided as appropriate for any specific test.
Time started.
Time finished.
Ambient temperature.
Ambient humidity.
5.4.3 Test rejection criteria. Throughout all tests specified herein, the Mounter and Demounter,
Pneumatic Tire, Computer Controlled Torqueing System shall be closely observed for the
following conditions, which shall be cause for rejection.
a. Failure to conform to design or performance requirements specified herein.
b. Any spillage or leakage of any liquid, including fuel, coolant, lubricant, or hydraulic
fluid, under any condition, except as allowed herein.
c. Structural failure of any component, including permanent deformation, or evidence of
impending failure.
d. Evidence of excessive wear. If excessive wear is suspected, the original equipment
manufacturers (OEM's) specifications or tolerances shall be utilized for making a
e. Evidence of corrosion or deterioration.
f. Misalignment of components.
g. Conditions that present a safety hazard to personnel during operation, servicing, or
5.5 Test methods.
5.5.1 Examination of product. Each the Mounter and Demounter, Pneumatic Tire, Computer
Controlled Torqueing System shall be examined to verify compliance with the requirements
herein prior to accomplishing any other demonstrations or tests listed in 5.5. A contractor-
generated, Government-approved checklist (part of the test procedure) shall be used to identify
each requirement not verified by an analysis, certification, demonstration, or test, and shall be
used to document the examination results. Particular attention shall be given to materials,
workmanship, dimensions, surface finishes, protective coatings and sealants and their
application, welding, fastening, and markings. Proper operation of each the Mounter and
Demounter, Pneumatic Tire, Computer Controlled Torqueing System function shall be verified.
Certifications and analyses shall be provided in accordance with Table IV. Each production of
the Mounter and Demounter, Pneumatic Tire, Computer Controlled Torqueing System shall be
inspected to a Government-approved reduced version of the checklist.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business